Friday, June 22, 2012


a new 

Life… easy it may seem, good thing it may bring.  As life starts to unfold its mystery, hopes come along.  Especially to people who needs it the most, to people who looks for it the most.  Many things transpired during a lifetime, it may be worthy or wicked thing. 

playing time

Memories are there to cherished and be cultured.  As I realize life during my childhood years, excitements are always there to applaud me up, what will happen the next days, the next months, and the next years. 


But when adulthood emanates, I can’t help but gaze back to life then, more often than not, I used to tell myself, I wish I didn’t do these, I wish I didn’t do that.  People and phrases always retell me that we should not be regretful of our judgments, because possessions happen for a reason.  But, somebody also told me that our life today is the outcome of our decisions and actions of the past, which scrapes me a lot.

as the sun rises

But then again, changes transpire during a journey, despites all its dimensions and detours, we must not obstruct life to move on to disparities, instead we have to get along with it.  It began in mystery, and it will end in mystery.

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